Garden Creative
Image credit: Vecteezy
Business subscriber
Why did you donate funds / sponsor 9Trees?
I am Garden Designer and wanted to give my clients an extra incentive to plant more trees by supporting 9-Trees to plant trees in new woodlands at the same time as my clients having trees planted in their gardens.
What was your experience with 9Trees?
I love that it doesn't feel like Green Washing. This is a small organisation who care passionately about what they do, planting trees for the future and most importantly providing communities with the training needed to look after these trees, giving them the best start in life and more chance of surviving into the huge old trees they need to be to help with climate change in the future.
Would you recommend 9Trees to others?
I already have! Harrison Ovens have signed up to 9-Trees since my recommendation and I tell all my clients about 9-Trees at the bottom of my care guide I send to them to help them look after the plants and trees in their own gardens.