First site and website launch
Our first subscribers trees will be planted on land in the Elan Valley in Mid Wales.
The land has been kindly provided by donors Geoff and Anne and the trees will transform an area which is currently pasture land on their farm.
The five hundred trees will be a native mix suitable for the environment - including species such as oak, rowan and hazel.
We will be planting the trees in January and February 2020 as well as caring for them going forward. We are looking for more backers to plant our second site.
Our subscribers will be invited to an event to see the planting site and celebrate our first birthday in the spring!
We have a brand new website!
Our website gives details about our organisation, mission and methods. It has information for both sponsors and people who might be interested in contributing land.
A FAQ section will be added soon so let us know if there is anything you would like included!
National press coverage!
We were in the Sunday Times, alongside the Woodland Trust, on the 3rd of November for our help supporting tree planting in Sussex.
Social Enterprise UK featured us in their 2019 Social Enterprise Gift Guide.
We are delighted that they think 9Trees would make a great gift this Christmas. We are providing gift certificates for any trees purchased as a gift.
We also have a guest post on Bristol Green Capital Partnership's blog talking about Making Connections to Combat Climate Change.
We post lots of interesting articles and woodland photos on our social media channels as well as project updates.
Follow us for all the latest news!