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Tackling climate change 9 trees at a time

9 trees is the number required to balance the average UK citizen’s carbon consumption each year.

9trees balance carbon, create jobs and provide habitats image

Want to gift a tree? Click here

How it works

It takes time, skill and care to grow new trees into a woodland. Read more…

An opportunity for action

Winners of the 2022 Natural Environment Award

The biodiversity and climate crisis is the most urgent and critical challenge we face. In light of this, we know how easy it is to feel daunted and overwhelmed. Just where do you begin? Read more…

Winners of the 2022 Natural Environment Award

By helping individuals and businesses alike to plant trees, we provide a simple and practical way for you to easily take meaningful action today. A place for you to begin.

And what’s more, we’re creating green jobs, community, improving mental wellbeing, and helping everyone do their bit to tackle the climate crisis


We are a member of the Landworkers' Alliance Woody Branch

We are People and Planet First Verified with SEWF

We are SEUK’s preferred partner

We are a member of The Association For Geographic Information

Land Workers Alliance logo
People and Planet First logo

What people say

Thoughts from our sponsors, landowners and team

Tree planting with a difference

Our specialist knowledge in conservation means we’re able to create woodlands that support local wildlife and improve biodiversity. Read more…

Picture of child with tree Adas Gold Photography

We source native saplings from local and responsible UK tree nurseries 

We only plant on sites owned by landowners who care about our mission. They agree to protect the site for at least 50 years. In return, we manage it for them.

Every site then undergoes a rigorous ecological assessment before planting

All planting is done by experienced tree planters who are local to the planting site

We have exceptional aftercare, returning to every site after planting to care for the trees.

Meet the Team

We are a diverse crowd united by one core desire, to help make the world a better place.

9Trees team members image
9Trees Planting Sites in the UK

Meet the Trees

We currently have trees in Powys, Anglesey, Derbyshire and Dorset. And we hope to have trees all over the UK, from Land’s End to John o’Groats.

 Learn more about our projects here

We find strength in the fact that we do not act alone. Together, we are stronger. Together, we can turn the tide on the climate and biodiversity crisis.

Will you join us?


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Follow us and help create woodland throughout the UK!

@9TreesUK #9TreesUK

Our Media Appearances

Click below to listen to our interviews and read featured articles

Plant trees with us today

Plant a tree with us today

Donate to our cause

100% of your donation is used to support our exciting projects and to develop those in the pipeline.